Scheduling a Farm Event

Scheduling Farm Events in VetIMPRESS.

Farm Events can be used to schedule and manage events, appointments, or tasks, for e.g., a veterinary visit or vaccine reminders. Before you begin, check that the appropriate client contact details are saved. A clients’ email address and telephone number can be saved under PRACTICE → Practice set-up → Clients. Please note that once an entry is set up, it is not possible to amend certain factors such as recurrences or the name of the Vet to whom a vaccine alert is assigned. The event must be deleted, and a New Event set up.  

To start, select a client in the left side navigation.        

Steps to schedule a farm event:                                                                               

1.    Navigate to CLIENTFarm Events.

2.    Month view is the default view and syncs to the present day. You can select Day, Week or Month view to the top right-hand side. Day and Week view syncs to the time of day.

3.    Click on the New Task button to the top left of the screen or double-click within Diary Tasks, to enter a New Task into the Day view.

Within the New Task window, enter a series of details to define the task:

4.      Free type or select a Name for your entry, e.g., BVD Vaccination or Bulk Milk Sample or TB Test.

5.      Free type or select a Description for your entry. This is the detail that will appear in the reminder which will be sent by email/text. Descriptions should be no longer than 140 characters including spaces, and avoid special characters (such as ! or @) as these may be blocked by the automatic messaging service.

6.      Select Event Type from the drop-down list.

         a)      IF you select vaccine a list of vaccines will appear as another drop down menu to the right.

         b)      Under Vaccine Type, select from the drop-down menu. If you need to add a new vaccine type, click the plus symbol, and add details.

7.      Specify Start Date and Start Time, for when the event will take place.

8.      Skip Duration: this defaults to one hour, for the purpose of creating a block in the calendar.

9.      IF the client has more than one holding, check the correct holding number under Holdings.

10.  Under Repeat Events, set alerts to recur, as necessary, for e.g., annually. This is particularly useful for vaccine reminders for example as you may want them to be repeated every 6 or 12 months over a period of years.

11.  Under Create alert for farmer and vet? choose whether and when to alert the farmer and the vet. This could be several days/hours/minutes ahead of when the event is set in the calendar.

12.  Under Create Task, determine whether a (specific) vet will have a task, as the farmer receives the alert. If Yes, a Task is registered in your PRACTICE → Diary Tasks.

13.  Click Save.

The entry is stored and is viewable, in CLIENTSFarm Events.