NMR Milk Data Transfer Permission Form

Obtain permission for a farmer’s milk recording data from NMR to import into VetIMPRESS.

Permission must be registered on the NMR Herd Companion website and a ‘one-time’ milk mapping completed within VetIMPRESS before a farmer’s data can be brought into your VetIMPRESS site.                        

Steps to enable NMR permission:

1.      Log in to Herd Companion website: www.herdcompanion.co.uk.

2.      Click on the cogs to the right-hand side of the blue bar.

3.      Click on My OrganisationThird Parties.

4.      Click Add New Organisation. Use the search facility and type in the name of the vet or practice.

5.      Click Select on the third party.

6.      Click Add. When the farmer next milk records, the data will be included in the list of farm holdings in VetIMPRESS, that milk record with NMR.

7.      Open VetIMPRESS and complete a 'one-time' mapping of the milk recording data to the holding number.

You are now ready to view the farmer’s NMR milk data in VetIMPRESS.