Adding a Holding Number

How to add a holding number to an existing holding within an active client record.

You can add/edit a holding number through the Active Client list in Practice Setup or by selecting the client from the client drop down list on the left hand toolbar and clicking  Farm Settings → Add holding (skip to point 3 if you are editing it this way).  

Records can be created using key Holding Details only. However, the more information that is entered, the more complete and accurate the record.

Steps to add a holding number under practice view:

1.      Select practice setup, followed by the client tab. From the Active Client list, click Edit on the relevant client. This brings up the client details screen.

2.      Check the details and click Next Save until you reach the Holding Details screen.

3.      Click the Add Holding button on the top left of the screen to add a new holding, or Edit on the right of any existing holding numbers to amend/change it.

4.      This opens the Holding Details screen, complete mandatory fields, as follows:

   4a. Select Species and Area Code from drop-down menus. This ensures that all holding details you enter in the system, relate to this client. (The Area Code for a Northern Ireland holding UK9.)

   4b. Enter Holding Number. If there is a sub-location on the holding number, enter in Holding Sloc field.

   4c. Checking BCMS Farmers Permission (GB only) permits us to bring the details into the database straight away. 

   4d. Select Holding Type from drop-down list e.g. Diary Herd or Suckler Herd.

   4e. Click Save. (The 2nd through 5th tab are not mandatory.)

5.    Click  Next through to Save to close the record.

Steps to add a holding number under client view:

1. Under client view select add holding button on the left hand menu. This will take you to the add holding details page.  Follow steps 4 & 5 above to complete. 

The newly registered holding can be found within the Client Farm SettingsHoldings - All Holdings screen and under PracticePractice SetupClients - Active Clients screen within VetIMPRESS.