Vaccine Alerts

Vaccine Alerts

This article explains how vaccine alerts are setup in VetIMPRESS and how this generates Alerts and Opportunities.

The vaccine alerts solution in VetIMPRESS allows you to set up purchase alerts to highlight when vaccines are due to be purchased or should have been already purchased. VetIMPRESS does this by looking at historic transaction data for each client to see when vaccines were purchased and therefore when bulk orders are likely to be due. This is not reliant on animal numbers so will work for all farm types.

Once a vaccine alert is set up, VetIMPRESS will generate two notification types that can be found in the Opportunities tab (Practice toolbar left hand side). The notifications are Alerts and Opportunities based on the expectation of a purchase from historic transaction data using both date and volume for each client. There is logic in place to limit this alert to bulk orders i.e. batch orders not just one-off items.  The logic is to trigger a notification if an order is taken that’s greater than 25% of the peak purchase in the last 18 months. For example if the peak purchase was 100 doses, any order of more than 25 doses will trigger its own notification.

  • Alert:  A notification to indicate a bulk purchase will probably be due in the next 28 days
  • Opportunity: A notification that a bulk purchase should have happened but hasn’t. Triggered 42 days after a corresponding alert. 

These alerts work when the transaction data is being imported into VetIMPRESS from your PMS on a daily basis. If this is not happening via the integration between VetIMPRESS and your PMS, you should contact your PMS supplier to inform them of this limitation. 

  1. Go to practice set up > Vaccine alerts 
  2. Add new alert, this brings up a pop-up
  3. Complete the form by: 
    1. Giving the alert a Name.
    2. Add a brief Description.
    3. Select the Repeat Treatment Period i.e. frequency of ordering and treating with the vaccine. 
    4. Select the Active checkbox – you can inactivate a reminder by unchecking this as required.
    5. Select the corresponding vaccines from the list below using the checkbox on the left hand side. Vaccines can be searched using the search boxes under name, category or usage. Make sure you select all relevant brands, in case you have a temporary supplier change with vaccine name. Eg. An alert for Lepto vaccine would want to include multiple brands, when you click on the alert you can see which was purchased.
    6. Click Save.

   4. All alerts will be visible in the Opportunities tab which is on the Practice menu on the left-hand side.

   5. On the alerts tab, you can select an individual Alert or Opportunity by clicking the underlined writing on the right-hand side column.  This will         give you further info on the purchase history of the client.