Animal lists
Animal lists can be viewed in VetIMPRESS at both a practice level (a count of all animals for all clients) or at an individual client level (full animal details).
Practice level view:
- From the Practice view menu on left hand side select data centre. Then choose the data centre tab.
- Click data lists
- Select animals tab. This will display all the animals from clients associated with the practice.
- From here data can be filtered by each column using the "edit column settings" located at the top of each column. e.g. filter by a specific holding number or surname.
- This information can then be exported to excel or a pdf using the buttons on left hand corner of the screen.
Client level view:
- From the client view menu search for the specific client by typing particular details into the dropdown bar.
- Select animals option from the left hand menu. This will launch the animal management screen for that holding.
- Using the dropdown filter tabs the data can be sorted into various categories.
- Further filtering can also be carried out using the "edit column settings" located at the top of each column. e.g. filter by a specific animal Id.
- Data can also be manually entered against each animal by entering in appropriate box and column e.g management ID's and select save on top left of the screen.
- This information can then be exported to excel or a pdf using the buttons on left hand corner of the screen.