Document Management

VetIMPRESS wants to enable vet practices to communicate and collaborate more easily with vet colleagues and farm clients. To help with this there is a documents storage feature which creates a shared space between the vet practice and each farmer. 

When documents are created and uploaded to this shared space, they can been viewed in VetIMPRESS by all vet practice users as well as the farmer being able to view them via the VetIMPRESS farmer portal, FarmIMPRESS.

The are 2 main ways to upload documents to VetIMPRESS;

  1. Publish to Client - in VetIMPRESS web or the VetIMPRESS app, you will see 'Publish to Client' indicated during the report sending process. If selected, a copy of the report will be automatically shared to the documents area for that client.
  2. Import - external documents can also be imported. This can be carried out by selecting the "import" tab towards the top righthand side of the screen. Files can be uploaded in the following formats; .csv, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .xls and .xlsx files.

There are 5 ways to view documents;

  1. VetIMPRESS web - Practice menu option. This will display all documents for all clients.
  2. VetIMPRESS web - Client menu option. This will display documents only for the client selected.
  3. VetIMPRESS app - within a task is a Farm Summary where you can see recent documents for the client.
  4. FarmIMPRESS web - Farm Records > All documents.
  5. FarmIMPRESS app - Documents. 

Search for documents using the date filters. 

Documents can be viewed by selecting "view document" tab on the right hand side.